
鯉のぼり Japanese Carp Streamers

日本では 5月5日は「こどもの日」で、祝日です。


「鯉のぼり」の歌(Click here)  

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Please watch our video.


Kanji with hiragana


日本では 5月5日(ごがついつか)は「こどもの日」で、祝日(しゅくじつ)です。



「鯉(こい)のぼり」の歌(うた)(Click here)


English translation

May 5th in Japan is a national holiday known as Children's day.
In the past it used to be known as Boy's Day, a day on which people would pray for their boys to be raised in good health and spirit, but today it is for both girls and boys without distinction, and has come to be known as Children's Day.

On this Children's Day, in families with sons , they put up poles up in their gardens and raise "Koi Nobori". This "Nobori" or banner is a sign to show that a son has been born. Why is the banner made in the shape of a "Koi" or carp ? According to Chinese legend, when carp swim up against the swift currents of a river, they would  would turn into dragons and rise up to the heavens, in other words this the carp was a symbol of success.

There is a song which goes, "Yane yori takai Koi Nobori..." (carp streamers taller than the house's roof...), but recently you hardly ever see this sight. Houses have become smaller, and condominiums do not have gardens - there are some small "Kou Nobori" made for the verandah or entrance hall. But these are a little sad, don't you think ?

What do you do in your country to wish for children's health ?

Please click the link to listen to the "Koi Nobori" song.

 This week's vocabulary


鯉のぼり 【こいのぼり】  carp streamer; carp banner
祝日 【しゅくじつ】  national holiday
端午の節句 【たんごのせっく】  Boy's Day celebration (May 5th)
健康 【けんこう】  health
育つ 【そだつ】 to be raised (e.g. child)
お祈り 【おいのり】  prayer; supplication
家庭 【かてい】  home; family; household
棒 【ぼう】  pole
揚げる 【あげる】 to raise
【のぼり】  flag; banner; streamer
鯉 【こい】 carp; koi carp
伝説 【でんせつ】 legend
急流 【きゅうりゅう】  swift current; rapids
龍 【りゅう】 dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon)
天 【てん】  (1) sky (2) heaven
出世 【しゅっせ】  success in life; getting ahead; successful career
象徴 【しょうちょう】  symbol
屋根 【やね】  roof
-用 【よう】  -use
玄関 【げんかん】  entranceway; entry hall

By ITAYA Sayuri

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